Environmental Monitoring - SIMAAC

Environmental Monitoring - SIMAAC

Monitoreo ambiental

Environmental Monitoring

Multi-temporal data set of various subjects for monitoring the environmental situation of the Colombian Amazon



System for Regional Environmental Monitoring Indicators for the Colombian Amazon

Indicadores de diversas temáticas que permiten conocer las dinámicas espacio-temporales de cambio del territorio. Con esta plataforma se reportan datos estadísticos diarios, anuales, bienales y multitemporales; se distribuyen por: región, grandes paisajes, jurisdicción de Corporaciones, Estado legal del territorio, departamentos y municipios.


Regional Indicators - SIMAAC

Regional System of Environmental Indicators



Compliance monitoring module for local forest conservation agreements

Intervention degree

Levels of transformation of the territory of the Colombian Amazon

Restauración rondas hídricas y pendientes

Restoration of Water Rounds and Slopes

Priority areas for restoration in water rounds and slopes greater than 100%

Puntos de calor


Daily active fire data (including an approximate location of a detected hotspot) in the Colombian Amazon

Cicatrices de quema

Burn Scars

Footprints that remain on the land after a fire

Frontera agropecuaria

Dynamics of Agricultural Landscapes

Dynamics of change in agricultural landscapes

Ecosistemas 100k

Ecosystems 100K

Monitoring of the ecosystems of the Colombian Amazon at a scale of 1:100,000


Regional Indicators - SIMAAC

Regional System of Environmental Indicators

Intervention degree

Levels of transformation of the territory of the Colombian Amazon

Puntos de calor


Daily active fire data (including an approximate location of a detected hotspot) in the Colombian Amazon

Frontera agropecuaria

Dynamics of Agricultural Landscapes

Dynamics of change in agricultural landscapes



Compliance monitoring module for local forest conservation agreements

Restauración rondas hídricas y pendientes

Restoration of Water Rounds and Slopes

Priority areas for restoration in water rounds and slopes greater than 100%

Cicatrices de quema

Burn Scars

Footprints that remain on the land after a fire

Ecosistemas 100k

Ecosystems 100K

Monitoring of the ecosystems of the Colombian Amazon at a scale of 1:100,000