Territorial Environmental Information System of the Colombian Amazon


Territorial Environmental Information System of the Colombian Amazon


The SIAT-AC is a process, in which a set of actors (institutions) establish agreements, with common objectives around the management of environmental information in the Colombian Amazon (agreements: conceptual, organizational, technical (data infrastructure, methodologies, protocols), and technological (information networks, telecommunications, access), organized as a network of people and entities, to support decision makers in regional processes to achieve sustainable development with data and information products.

It is equally valid to define the SIAT-AC as the Environmental Information System of Colombia SIAC, developed in the regional scope of the Colombian Amazon.

Detailed information on the SIAT-AC process can be found in the following links:


Integración Regional

The construction of the SIAT-AC must take into account the priorities and particularities of the Colombian Amazon.


The conceptual, operational, technical and financial scope of the SIAT-AC must be viable and in accordance with the capacity of the actors in the region to achieve its implementation.


The long-term vision for the implementation of SIAT-AC is considered to be 4 years.


The regional vision of the Amazon will be considered at a general scale of 1:500,000, however, more detailed approximations are foreseen when warranted.

Ciclo de información

The cycles to complete the supply chain of the data required for the different functionalities of the SIAT-AC are 2 years, with intermediate captures through an environmental monitoring scheme with indicators.

Pertinencia y oportunidad

The identification of priorities for generating and updating environmental information will be agreed upon with mechanisms for the participation of regional actors.


The quality and continuous improvement of environmental information must be guaranteed through certification processes, in accordance with national and international standards on quality, objectivity, homologation and compatibility.

Integralidad e Interoperabilidad

Environmental information will be generated based on approved standards, for which protocols, methodologies and technical standards will be established to facilitate connectivity, homologation and exchange of environmental information from the Colombian Amazon, regardless of the technological platform.

Reconocimiento de avances

The existing advances in environmental information management of the territory in the region, by the different entities that participate in the implementation and operation of the system, will be recognized and taken into account.


SIAT-AC Network

Actors and Values

SIAT-AC actors are classified as involved, interested and general public (Based on the "Inter-institutional management strategy for the implementation of the Biodiversity Information System, Alexander von Humboldt Institute. Bogotá. Franco, X. & J. C. Bello. 2004 ), taking into account their roles and responsibilities in the processes of generation, analysis and use of data and environmental information and their role as part of the National Environmental System SINA in the Colombian Amazon region.