Phase II: Departments of Caquetá and Huila

This service presents the results obtained in the development of the special scientific and technological cooperation agreement No. 016 of 2010, signed between the Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development and the Amazonian Institute of Scientific Research SINCHI to develop the second stage of the process of environmental zoning and ordering of the Amazon Forest Reserve, created by Law 2 of 1959, in the departments of Caquetá and Huila.

In order to achieve these results, a georeferenced information base with a spatial resolution of 1:100,000 was structured and consolidated, with some issues at scales of greater or lesser detail; In addition, there was a broad participatory process with local communities, especially with the population that is within the Amazon Forest Reserve Zone. Two moments of meetings and workshops were held, the first in order to socialize the project and collect socioeconomic information, and the second, at the end of the project, to publicize the environmental zoning proposal, for a total of 32 meetings.


Anexo cartográfico Agosto 2016Download
Anexos Caquetá HuilaDownload
Coberturas 2017Download
Coberturas agrupadasDownload
Degradación del paisajeDownload
Escenario deseado por la poblaciónDownload
Estado del arte Agosto 2016Download
Estado legal del territorioDownload
Fragmentación de bosquesDownload
Ordenamiento ambientalDownload
Parte I caracterización Agosto 2016Download
Parte II diagnostico Agosto 2016Download
Praderización proyectadaDownload
Presentación agosto 2016Download
Propuesta ordenamiento Agosto 2016Download
Socialización Agosto 2016 (1)Download
Socialización Agosto 2016 Download
Valor intrínseco del paisaje natural Download
Zonificación ambiental Download