SIMCOBA is the system led by the Sinchi Institute to monitor the dynamics of spatial and temporal changes in land cover based on the interpretation of remote sensing images.
From the Statistical Operation of land cover in the Colombian Amazon, it is important to take into account the following aspects:
1. In this work scale, the minimum mappable unit is 25 hectares, except for the units corresponding to artificialized territories whose minimum area is 5 hectares.
2. Because the coverage map update process is based on the reinterpretation of a baseline, changes of less than 3 hectares will not be reflected in the updated map.
3. The Statistical Operation is framed within the limit defined by the Amazon Institute of Scientific Research SINCHI which may differ from other delimitations made in the region.
4. The scale of work provides knowledge of natural resources and forms of occupation of the territory at the regional level. However, if greater technical specificity is required, more detailed information must be used (local studies).
5. The percentage of Non-Response is imputed from the coverage map of the immediately previous period, therefore, for these areas it is not certain whether there was a change or not in the land cover for that period.
6. The imputed percentage of the coverage map for the region is very low and therefore its impact on the statistics is minimal. However, for other more detailed Reference Spatial Units, such as municipalities, the percentage of Non-Response may have a greater impact on statistical analyses.
7. The SINCHI Institute is the only entity that generates land cover information for the entire region at a scale of 1:100,000 applying the CORINE Land Cover Methodology adapted for Colombia. Different types of analysis are generated from other entities, not necessarily with the same methodology and legend at different scales and other inputs. Therefore, to date, there is no reference with which to compare the data of the Statistical Operation.
1:100,000 Scale Land cover
Se informa a los usuarios de las estadÃsticas de coberturas de la tierra que para el año 2022 no se identificaron coberturas nuevas respecto al periodo 2020, por lo cual se sigue contando con un total de 45 tipos de coberturas de la tierra Corine Land Cover para la Amazonia colombiana. Este mapa tuvo un Updated Percentage Area – PAAMC del 100%, gracias a la utilización de imágenes de otros sensores como Sentinel 2 o Planet Scope que permitieron recuperar información con nubosidad del satélite Landsat8 y landsat9.
IMPORTANTE: Actualmente se encuentra publicado en datos abiertos del SIATAC el Mapa de Coberturas del 2022. El siguiente mapa de coberturas de la tierra para toda la región amazónica colombiana se realizará en 2024 y será publicado en marzo de 2025.